The Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is upgrading with the momentum to transform our country from agricultural country to industrialized one with the advanced technologies. To be carried out like this, human resources are really needed to improve technologies fast. It is University of Computer Studies, Monywa , where that be responsible for bearing young competent IT professionals in related fields. Thus, it is aimed for students to be competent on their learning for the sake of job opportunities based on the current advanced IT technologies and for the development of IT industry in the business sector of our country. Our University, UCS, (MYA) is nurturing IT professionals / technicians who are particularly need for the development of human resource not only for Sagaing Region but also for the country in every academic year. Moreover, we are taking responsibilities altogether for the enhancement of the competencies and qualification of teaching staff in order to fully support the basic qualities of human resources. For the purpose of learning International Standardized interdisplinary in local area for the people who live in rural area in Saging Region, undergraduate B.C.Sc / B.C.Tech degrees and postgraduate Diploma (D.C.Sc), master degrees M.C.Sc/ M.C.Tech, M.I.Sc, M.A.Sc programs are conducted at the University of Computer Studies, Monywa. Thus, IT professionals are bearing for the development of the living standard and the career of local people.
Bearing required software and hardware professionals/technicians, inventive and innovative researchers, application and system developers of Information Technology which can be applied in real world situation in order to keep abreast of International Standardization are the missions of our University for becoming our country, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as a peaceful new modern developed nation
Background History
In accordance with the programme to initiate the Government Computer Colleges in States and Division throughout Myanmar leaded by Universities of Computer Studies, Yangon and Mandalay under the former Ministry of Science and Technology, University of Computer Studies, Monywa was founded at No.260, Bogyoke Aung San Road, Monywa, Sagaing Region on September 4, 2000 by renting a building as a Government Computer College. After five buildings have already been built, Government Computer College, Monywa was transferred near Moehnyinthanbokedae Temple on September 3, 2001. On 5 February, 2006 Government Computer College, Monywa was transferred to the location of the former Government Technical College, Monywa at Myothit Ward and carried out the teaching programmes till now. Afterwards, Government Computer College, Monywa was upgraded into University of Computer Studies, Monywa on 20 th January, 2007. At present , in the reign of new Government, the University of Computer Studies Monywa, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, has been responsible by the Rector, Prof. Soe Soe Khaing, Ph.D(IT).